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The Truth About Cheating cheating infidelity romantic relationships

Before I start, let me preface this post with the fact that I do not condone cheating. The individual who cheats has broken promises, betrayed commitments, and violated boundaries. Now, even though I do not condone cheating, I must use a particular lens when I view cheating in my office....

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Hey Guys, Stop Trying To Fix Everything and Just Listen! men romantic relationships

I hate to gender stereotype but I can’t help but witness certain trends among my clients in heterosexual relationships.  And today, I’m picking on the gentlemen.  I know that we, ladies, have our fair share of struggle, but today the men are in the hot seat. (Clinical note:...

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Dear Daughters: Don't Make Mommy's Mistakes in Love romantic relationships

I'm still totally obsessed with the idea that we are radically responsible for our romantic (and other) misfortunes.  With this blog entry, I’m moving away from clinical psychology and theory to get a little personal. Today, I was thinking about my two beautiful daughters and what it...

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