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3 Tips to Remove the Guilt boundaries guilt

Feeling guilty is often associated with the perception of having let someone down.  “I couldn’t go to my friend’s birthday party, I suck!” or “I left my brother alone on the bus, I’m such a shit!” or “I couldn’t stay late to help my boss...

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My Big Fat Greek Wedding Effect: 5 Steps to Establishing Boundaries with Family Members boundaries enmeshment

As a kid, I was the only Italian on my block and the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding did wonders for me.  It made me further understand that there were other families like mine and made me more proud to be who I was and to have the Mediterranean culture that I did. It also made me understand...

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The Importance of "Selfishness" boundaries guilt mental health self-care selfish

The Importance of “Selfishness”

Have you ever felt guilty - like you weren’t doing enough for the people in your life? Are you the type to feel bad if you can’t attend a birthday party, or stay late to help a colleague, or return a phone call promptly?  If this is...

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Codependency: When You "Care" Too Much and the Importance of Badass Boundaries boundaries codependency couples therapy mental health relationships

         Is “no” a word you have difficulty using with most people in your life?  Do you often stay at work late?  Do you rarely take your allotted breaks?  Do you continuously pay your adult child’s rent?  Are you doing most of the...

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